28 March 2011

We Are So Small

There are very few things in life that can deflate our egos. This is one of them. There is something about this video that rattles me. One cannot help but cry out for God when watching this devastation.

Humans have an amazing capacity to create. This gives us an amazing sense of accomplishment, as it should. We can build rockets that take men to the moon. We can travel thousands of miles in a flying tube. We can talk to humans on the opposite side of the globe through a handheld device. We are more connected than ever before. We are healthier and wealthier. We eat foods that grow hundreds of miles away. We have a universe of information at our fingertips. We have cured diseases and we are living longer than ever before. Indeed we are creative and resilient.

But all it takes is an earthquake to remind us that for all our creations, we are not powerful. All it takes is for our creations to literally crumble on their foundations around us to remind us that we are still flesh and blood. Still frail and weak. Still tiny.

We can inspire one another. We can overcome the greatest obstacles in our paths to forge peace treaties, to feed starving mouths, to communicate. The human spirit is indomitable. We go on living in spite of fear and terror. We are brave enough to stand for what we believe in. And yet, we still bicker about politics. We bully and cheat. We lust and want. We are prideful, we think that we deserve. 

But all it takes is a tsunami to remind us that for everything we are, we are not in control. All it takes is to see the ocean water wash away cars and buildings as if they were grains of sand to remind us that we should change. To remind us that that which we considered important, may not be.

We are so small. God help us.

[Keep following.]


  1. Wow. That's so super sad. I think the worst part about watching that is just how helpless you feel. I thought about the person filming the video and at first wondered why they were just standing there filming all of this. And then I realized that they couldn't do anything. They couldn't just stop the water from coming or pick up the buildings with their hands to save them. We really are so helpless. That video was so sad. Thanks.

  2. i think i watched this video on CNN (or something similar to it) and it just made me cry. thank you for your words. miss you!
