30 July 2010

The General Rules #1 - Breaking Up

A strange thing. To begin with the end. But with this topic, as with many others, the process is cyclical. The beginning and the end are closer than we may think. Also, in light of recent events in my life, this is also a fitting place to start. And until we are taken out of this cycle (by getting married), one dare not speak of love without heartbreak.

Get ready. I’m about to flip your world on its head. Ready? Many think that the opposite of love is hate.

It isn’t.

This last semester in my Intro to the English Language course we discussed this concept at length. This is a semantic issue. When discussing opposites we learned how to make a binary grid to analyze the components of a word. It looked something like this:

                                              RELATION   Male   Senior   Directly Related
                                              Father              +         +                   +
                                              Mother             -          +                   +
                                              Niece               -           -                    -

A binary grid uses randomly assigned components to examine what the chosen words have in common. Based on the features chosen we can conclude that the opposite of a father is in fact a niece. Or, if one were to assign a new feature such as “Animate” after “Directly Related” the opposite of a father would probably end up being a rock or something of the sort. In this particular example we find that the words father and mother actually share many common traits. They are differentiated by one degree. So it often is with what we call “Opposites.”

                                              FEELINGS   Positive    Intense   Concern
                                              Love                +             +            +
                                              Hate                 -             +             +
                                              Apathy             -              -             -

From my cleverly devised Binary Grid, one may conclude that the opposite of “Love” is actually a state we call “Apathy,” which by its definition is a “state of indifference”. Apathy is by its nature a suppression of emotion. Love and hate are only separated by one degree: the positive nature of the feeling. Love and hate both involve a certain amount of intensity and concern (positive or negative) about a person. Apathy, on the other hand, involves nothing of the sort.

I tell you these things to tell you this: You can never “get over” someone without forgiving them. It does not matter in the least what that person has done to you. For if you presumptuously assume that you can banish your love by switching it to hate, in order to forget someone, you will never be able to fully let things go. The two are too closely related. Because of this bond, rousing one will also rouse the other. This would lead to years of pent-up emotion that is only softened by a very human forgetfulness. We can forget our feelings, but all it takes is one chance encounter or errant wedding invitation to stir up those old love/hate emotions.

I am not by any means suggesting that we must become apathetic towards someone we have formerly loved. (Because that would simply be a weapon of buried and harbored hate.) Only forgiveness solves this problem. Forgiveness erases hate and apathy and fills us with contented sincerity towards the other person. It cleanses us, not them. And allows us to move forward with hope rather than resentment.

But wait! you exclaim, what about those who have done the breaking up? I will tell you. Rest easy. A few thoughts can be comforting. First, always remember that no one starts dating someone else in order to hurt their feelings. (This is all assuming you have broken up with the person under amiable circumstances{as far as breaking up with someone allows}and not fickle or petty or evil reasons.) Second, take comfort in the things you felt. As my wise-beyond-his-years brother once said, “It is going to fail until it works.” It is as simple as that. The relationship was either right or it was not. Trust your feelings, though it may be the hardest thing you have ever done. And last, do not concern yourself with whether or not you can express what you feel. One shared attribute that could be placed on the end of the Feelings Binary Grid could be “Inexpressible.” This would be something that all emotions would score a plus on. Trying to describe what you feel would be like trying to describe a color to a blind person. Red is red, just as black is black, just as love is love, and knowing it’s right is knowing it’s right. It simply is. Or it isn’t.

This is one thing that is simple with regards to love. It is getting to this point during which all the confusion arises. But let’s save that for another time.

[Keep following. If it please you.]

23 July 2010

The General Rules

No this is not about the online auto insurance company. (Although don't get me started. Those commercials make me want to poke my eyes out with a stick.) This is not a declaration about how the military rules! This is about another type of battle organization. These are the General Rules. Love. Yes, I'm talking about love.

Some of you may remember my poll from awhile back about starting a separate blog about love. Due to the mixed reaction, I decided not to do it. Plus, two blogs is a bit much. So I'm starting a new segment called, you guessed it, The General Rules. But before I get into the meat of this new segment I'm going to lay down a few ground rules for the General Rules:

1. They are the "General" rules. This means that there are exceptions. There are always exceptions. Everyone knows someone who had a fairytale courtship, engagement, and subsequent marriage. This is an exception to the rule. For most of us, dating is more akin to a fight to the death in gladiatorial ring than a delicate dance in  a palace. For most of us, getting engaged and married will require a herculean effort. For most of us, this whole "love process" involves more slogging through the mud than walking on clouds. That is why I titled the new segment the general rules rather than "The rules that are always true no matter what."

2. I am not an expert. Don't quote me on anything. In fact, most of you will be better off not reading any of these segments.

3. I cannot be held personally responsible for any actions you may take after reading my reflections and ruminations on the subject.

4. I am always right. Comments are welcome on these posts, but just know that any comments that disagree with my opinion will be subsequently laughed at and ignored.

Thank you for your consideration. And I hope you are looking forward to the forthcoming mindless blather about the most complex subject on earth as much as I am.

[Keep following. Actually don't. You may not like what you find.]

22 July 2010


O.K. Here is the deal. I am an elitist. Some of you may know this about me. Some of you may be elitists as well. This causes me to act a certain way in certain situations.  For example, if you saw me in the grocery store or doing laundry you wouldn't even be able to tell. Other times, for example, when I sit nonchalantly in the back of a classroom or pretentiously reading a novel in Starbucks, you'll know just what I am.

I saw Inception for the second time tonight and aside from the fact that this movie is perfect, it is also just as good the second time around. The only problem with this movie is that it is popular. And the elitist in me kicks against this prick. (It's a bible saying. For the layman.) The elitist in me wants people to not like this movie. The elitist in me wants others to "not get it." I hate that everyone and their grandma on Facebook is like "OMG INCEPTION WAS SO RAD DAWG!" Case in Point:
No thank you. I hate that I have anything in common with you. Stop trying to talk to me about this movie. If this movie were any less marvelous I would consider not liking it just to spite this guy ^ . But it was simply too spectacular to justify anything of the sort.

The only way I can reconcile this conundrum is to lie to myself and simply tell myself that "they didn't understand it as well as me." That they simply "don't perceive the movie's metaphorical or philosophical depth." And so it stands. Please don't say that you liked this movie unless you can have a dialogue that ventures deeper than, "I LIKED THE PART WHERE THE GUY USED THE GRENADE LAUNCHER." Christopher Nolan didn't spend $200 million dollars and 10 years perfecting a script so you could ruin it with your insipid, vapid and utterly banal observations. Do me a favor and go get high and watch Marmaduke again.

I know. I am rude.

[Keep following. I told you more rants were coming.]

13 July 2010

Lifeguard... Duty...

Just look at him. All smug on his little tower. Some have called them aquatic saviors. Others have called them guarders of life. Be not deceived, for they are the fun killers. 

You may think they are innocent enough. They have a tough job. They brave the suns harmful rays day after day just to keep us safe. With their cheap sunglasses and billowing shirts, they are like Batman. If the pool were Gotham City. And the swimmers criminals. And after all, we pay them to stop us from doing dangerous things right?

Wrong. We pay them to save our lives if we happened to drink a bottle of Jack before swimming. We pay them to bandage toes and perform CPR. We don't pay them to be the fun police. Who are they to stop me from running? Who are they to put an end to my chicken fight? If I want to run amok and go down the slide backwards, it is my god-given right. And they better be there to save me if I happen to crack open my skull on the bottom of the pool.

The rules they enforce have been handed down over centuries. They are no longer relevant. The "No Running" rule stems from the before-time when Roman baths were covered in tile and running meant certain death to all toga-wearing patrons. This is outdated. Today's poolsides are covered in textured concrete that resembles course sandpaper. Let me run freely to the diving board. 

So to all lifeguards, I say, stop sucking the fun out of the pool. And take off those shoes. If I'm drowning, I don't want you unlacing your Sketchers and pulling off your socks before you dive in.

[Keep following because the summer has just begun. Also, more rants to follow.]