22 July 2010


O.K. Here is the deal. I am an elitist. Some of you may know this about me. Some of you may be elitists as well. This causes me to act a certain way in certain situations.  For example, if you saw me in the grocery store or doing laundry you wouldn't even be able to tell. Other times, for example, when I sit nonchalantly in the back of a classroom or pretentiously reading a novel in Starbucks, you'll know just what I am.

I saw Inception for the second time tonight and aside from the fact that this movie is perfect, it is also just as good the second time around. The only problem with this movie is that it is popular. And the elitist in me kicks against this prick. (It's a bible saying. For the layman.) The elitist in me wants people to not like this movie. The elitist in me wants others to "not get it." I hate that everyone and their grandma on Facebook is like "OMG INCEPTION WAS SO RAD DAWG!" Case in Point:
No thank you. I hate that I have anything in common with you. Stop trying to talk to me about this movie. If this movie were any less marvelous I would consider not liking it just to spite this guy ^ . But it was simply too spectacular to justify anything of the sort.

The only way I can reconcile this conundrum is to lie to myself and simply tell myself that "they didn't understand it as well as me." That they simply "don't perceive the movie's metaphorical or philosophical depth." And so it stands. Please don't say that you liked this movie unless you can have a dialogue that ventures deeper than, "I LIKED THE PART WHERE THE GUY USED THE GRENADE LAUNCHER." Christopher Nolan didn't spend $200 million dollars and 10 years perfecting a script so you could ruin it with your insipid, vapid and utterly banal observations. Do me a favor and go get high and watch Marmaduke again.

I know. I am rude.

[Keep following. I told you more rants were coming.]


  1. Agreed. 100%. I saw it last night at the later showing- which of course is the showing that all the "rad and cool guys" go to and there was this group coming out that said the EXACT same thing about the grenade launcher. I just shook my head. I may be blonde and look like the stereotype, but I'm not.

    BTW I really enjoy your blog :)

  2. "I liked Inception better than YOU liked Inception."

    I appreciate this post.

  3. Also, if my grandma said "OMG Inception was so RAD DAWG" I think it would be even better than saying the S word during Taboo.

  4. i like the movie better when it was called eXistenZ and starred Jude Law
