13 November 2011

Keep Searching

I think it funny whenever humans pridefully try to tell themselves that they know everything. It always serves as a little reminder to me that I shouldn't be like them. There are so many questions without answers. Even about the simplest of things. There is no conclusive evidence to explain why we yawn. Look it up! It's crazy! We don't know what is at the bottom of the deepest points in the ocean. We are kindergartners when it comes to explaining natural laws like gravity. We still aren't sure why light acts the way it does. We know so much. And yet, for every question we answer, we are bombarded by ten new ones. We should never stop searching for answers. We know more about the world around us now than at any point in our history.

But instead of our knowledge making us prideful and sure of ourselves, we should become more humble. More innocent. More unpretentious. We should be more adoptive of the attitude of that great Thinker who said, "The only true wisdom is in knowing that you know nothing." And heed that ancient prophet who wrote, "O the vainness, and the frailties, and the foolishness of men! When they are learned they think they are wise" (2 Ne. 9:28).

We humans have an amazing intellect. Every person has the opportunity to think creatively, to investigate, and to test the world around him or her. We have a soaring imagination. We are the smartest things on the planet. Our machines haven't yet surpassed us. And to neglect this intellect by assuming we know everything is the biggest travesty I can think of. When humans become prideful and stop searching for answers, or for the truth, mark my words, it will be our downfall. Thinking is mankind's most ancient and worthwhile endeavor.

And I think the three most important questions each individual must search and answer for themselves are: Who am I? Why am I here? And where am I going? I truly believe that the answers to these questions differ slightly from person to person. Some may be content with not knowing the answers. These people may become so drawn down the humility line in knowing that we don't know anything, that they may start to believe that such knowledge is impossible to find, and therefore the answers are not worth searching for. But in the end, they are guilty of the same error as those who think they know it all. The result is the same, they stop searching. They neglect their ability to search and find.

Some people are content with answers to the "Big Three" that go something like this:  We are descended from primates. We are here by accident. And when we die we disappear. And if that is what your intellect has led you to, good for you. If you feel that this is satisfactory I applaud you for your efforts in searching. If this knowledge fulfills and satisfies you and leaves you excited to wake up in the morning, fantastic. I would rather have people believe in something rather than nothing. What is important is that you searched for the truth. And perhaps your ideas about life will evolve ever-so-slightly with each new day. And as you learn new things on your search, you modify your answers, this is living. This is using the gift that has been given to you.

We should all be tolerant of how others choose to live and believe. But tolerance is a two way street. If we are tolerant of others' beliefs, it is OK to expect our views to be tolerated as well.

In this light, I present to all, the answers to these questions as I have found them. My answers are for me. Just because many others share similar beliefs it does not make them any less true for me. And they may be true for you. What is important is that you find out for yourself rather than relying on others. These are my answers. They make me feel good about my life. They give me purpose. They drive me forward and make me happy:

I am a spirit son of a loving God who is my spiritual father. I am here first and foremost to be happy, to learn, to love, and to live the best life I can possibly live and become more like my Father-in-heaven. And after this life, if I have tried my hardest, God will make up for my mistakes through the sacrifice of His Son and I will return to live with Him.

The best part about my answers is that they keep changing. I keep finding out new and exciting things about my destiny. I am constantly learning, sometimes improving, but always becoming more and more humbled about what I do not know. But if there is one thing that I am sure of, it is that God is there, and that He is the ultimate source of knowledge. To get this knowledge all we have to do is ask. And one way or another, He will give us answers. That is what I believe. I hope you are tolerant of what I believe, and if you don't understand how I could possibly believe this, just ask me. You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain, and at the very least you will understand me and we will become better friends.

[Sorry for the break  in form. Funny posts are coming. I know that's all you want anyway. But keep following.]

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