19 January 2011

Perhaps I'm Bipolar

You know, I'm usually pretty private about my emotions. But I just got a wave of happy. Sometimes it happens. Lest this disintegrate into a cliche boring blog about how awesome my life is, I'll tell an allegory.

This reminds me of our ridiculous Schnauzer who possessed the biggest ego of any canine I've ever encountered.

Excluding purse-dwellers, most dogs get dirty. Schnapps did. We would plop him in the tub and spray him down--one hand on his back to stop him from shaking off, and the other pouring copious amounts of No Tears shampoo into his fur. He would look up at us with a wide-eyed stare of pure humiliation. I didn't think dogs were capable of emotion until seeing his look that seethed with what I can only describe as unadulterated indignation. Judging from his expression, you'd think we had dressed him up like Lady GaGa. But he would emerge from this experience a new dog. His scrawny frame all too visible, he looked like a glorified sewer rat.


But here is the kicker. This little guy would then run around the house in a maniacal fashion, rubbing his wet beard and ears on the carpet. After this little ritual, he would engage us in a "game" both parties only partly understood. He would run around and then stop in front of us, his butt in the air, his forepaws on the ground. This is when we would try and grab him and he would rear up and nip at our hands before sprinting top speed around the house again. His new freedom did not last long, however. Soon he would be scooped up by mom to be brushed. He hated that. Afterward, he looked all fluffy and not manly at all. No matter, the next day he was back to his matted manly self.


The point is, no matter what weighs us down or dirties us, soon we'll be happily bounding to our next crappy moment. So enjoy it while it lasts.

*Artist's Rendition. NOT ACTUAL PICTURES.

[Keep following. I'll be back to normal soon enough and you can feed off my negativity like emo-vampires.]


  1. Kind of funny that I read this today. My blog post from this morning was less than "my life is so blessed!!!!" today. Thank you for reminding me of these happy post-bath games with Reezo. :) x

  2. Awww, Schnaps! Fun memories, gotta love that puppy!
