07 August 2010

It's a nice day for a... white temple wedding.

So I have been to more weddings in the last month than I have been to in my entire life. And while seeing live sealing ceremonies has been a major spiritual highlight, it also gets me thinking. Too hard. (This is a bad thing.) I get all introspective-y and I produce stuff like this. I promise the next post will make you laugh or something...

I have wondered all my life how it will be to hear violins play.
One day I'll look up into someone's face and the chords will match,
a duet and steps in tandem,
constructive waves will stand still in the moment of met glances.

One plays, the other compliments, notes compile and structure harmony;
Our lives come together and in the most beautiful sense, we will make music.
Whatever my thin tune had sung throughout my solo existence,
she pairs her own into a song I have never heard and yet know.

Sometimes I question if I have heard that song, but have jarred the
rhythm so thoroughly that it has unraveled in my hands.
Still, one day it will happen, the most beautiful chords will resonate
with both our souls and we will feel like we deserve joy.
For the first time.

[Keep following, it's like meth for your brain.]

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